Qualified to carry out a range of safety checks & issue safety certificates to Landlords, Businesses & Homeowners in London & M25 area

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Terms & Conditions


Please read these terms carefully before using this website. Using this website indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms and conditions (“terms”), do not use this website. By clicking on the button that stipulates agreement to the following terms and by using this website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement.


Websites and companies listed on the RACS GROUP LTD images website are not controlled by RACS GROUP LTD and we are not responsible for any content contained in any such website or company or any loss suffered by you in relation to your use of such websites and companies. We have listed the sites and contacts due to their relevance and potential help to our contributors, but we cannot monitor performance or content. You waive any and all claims against RACS GROUP LTD regarding the inclusion of links to outside websites or your use of those websites.

Welcome to the RACS GROUP LTD website. Below are the terms that govern your use of this site.

These terms constitute a legal agreement between you and RACS GROUP LTD (“RACS GROUP LTD” “we” or “our”). Please read this agreement (“agreement”) in its entirety before you continue to use this website or download any image. If you do not agree, discontinue using the site.

Ownership of our website

This website is owned and operated by RACS GROUP LTD. All of the content featured or displayed on this website, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, sound, illustrations and software (“content”), is owned by RACS GROUP LTD, its licensors and its content providers.

Protection of intellectual property

All elements of RACS GROUP LTD’s websites, including, but not limited to, the general design and the content, are protected by trademarking, copyright, moral rights, trademark and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. Except as explicitly permitted under this or another agreement with RACS GROUP LTD or one of its subsidiaries, no portion or element of this website or its Content may be copied or retransmitted via any means and this website, its content and all related rights shall remain the exclusive property of RACS GROUP LTD or its licensors unless otherwise expressly agreed.

“RACS GROUP LTD Images”, “RACS GROUP LTD”, “Magalogue” and the RACS GROUP LTD logo, are trademarks of RACS GROUP LTD or its subsidiaries and may be registered in some countries.

Indemnification for breach

You agree to indemnify RACS GROUP LTD, its subsidiaries, its affiliates and licensors against any losses, expenses, costs or damages howsoever incurred by any or all of them as a result of your breach of the terms of this agreement or your unauthorised use of the content and related rights.

How you may use the content on this website

Images, other than comp images, may only be used commercially once you have entered into a licence agreement and paid the relevant fee. Comp images may only be used for your internal layouts for sample purposes or for proofing presentations to end clients.

RACS GROUP LTD’s copyright notice and image identification reference which appear in the image file must remain with your digital copy of the image at all times. You will retain the copyright notice, the name of RACS GROUP LTD and the respective artist, the respective RM or RF image reference and any other information or metadata that is embedded in the electronic file that comprises any image which you have downloaded from the website or otherwise received from RACS GROUP LTD. Failure to maintain the integrity of the copyright information will constitute a breach of this agreement.

RACS GROUP LTD does not grant you any licence to use these images in any final materials distributed either internally or externally by yourself or your company, including any electronic or online system. Except for this limited, internal testing and sample use, RACS GROUP LTD grants you no other rights, and you may not distribute, sublicense or make available for use or distribution any comp images.

RACS GROUP LTD will only issue high resolution images for “comps” or layout purposes only after a separate agreement is entered into.

You may use our site only for lawful purposes. You may not use this website:

In any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation;

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Not to access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of our website.

Copyright infringement policy

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other applicable laws, RACS GROUP LTD has adopted a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances and at RACS GROUP LTD’s sole discretion, account holders who infringe the intellectual property rights of RACS GROUP LTD or any third party.

Copyright complaints

If you believe that any material on the RACS GROUP LTD website infringes upon any copyright that you own or control, you may file a notification of such infringement at info@landlordsafetycertificate.co.uk

Notification must include the following information:

Your name, address, telephone number, and email address;

A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;

The exact URL, RACS GROUP LTD image reference number or a description of where the material is located;

A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the content you claim infringes your copyright interest was copied without your authorization or that of the copyright owner or his/her/its agent; and

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Model and property releases

RACS GROUP LTD gives no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the existence of any Release associated with the image.

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You must satisfy yourself that all necessary rights, consents or permissions as may be required for Reproduction of the image have been secured.


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If you would like to revise the information provided to us or feel that what we currently have on record is incorrect, please contact us at info@landlordsafetycertificate.co.uk, or you may update the information in the “My RACS GROUP LTD” section of this website.

Data protection disclaimer

Please note we may collect personal information about you. Our Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which we collect your personal information, what information we collect and how, and how we process your data.

About Cookies

When you visit the RACS GROUP LTD website, we place a text file called a “cookie” in the browser directory of your computer’s hard drive. A cookie is a small piece of information that a website can store on your web browser and later retrieve. The cookie cannot be read by any website other than the one that set up the cookie. Please see our Cookie Policy.

Cookies enable this website to recognise the information you have consented to give to this website, such as the lightboxes you have created, and help us determine what portions of this website are most appropriate for your professional needs. As a result, cookies will allow you to retrieve previous image search results, access lightboxes with ease, and view your previous invoices.

We do not use cookies to examine your surfing behaviour before or after leaving the RACS GROUP LTD website.


This website and its content are provided “as is” and RACS GROUP LTD excludes to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law any warranty, express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose. the functions embodied on, or in the materials of, this website are not warranted to be uninterrupted or without error. You, not RACS GROUP LTD, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction due to your use of this website.

Except as specifically stated in these terms, the Security & Privacy Policy, or elsewhere on this website, or as otherwise required by applicable law, neither RACS GROUP LTD nor its directors, employees, licensors, content providers, affiliates or other representatives will be liable for damages of any kind (including, without limitation, lost profits, direct, indirect, compensatory, consequential, exemplary, special, incidental, or punitive damages) arising out of your use of, your inability to use, or the performance of this website or the content whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

There may be links to other websites from the RACS GROUP LTD website; however, these other websites are not controlled by RACS GROUP LTD and we are not responsible for any content contained on any such website or any loss suffered by you in relation to your use of such websites. You waive any and all claims against RACS GROUP LTD regarding the inclusion of links to outside websites or your use of those websites.

RACS GROUP LTD uses reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy, correctness and reliability of the content, but we make no representations or warranties as to the content’s accuracy, correctness or reliability. You should note that in certain countries captions, keywording and other information associated with an Image(s)/footage may have been translated from the original language into another language using an automated machine translation process that RACS GROUP LTD has had no input into or control over. Accordingly, RACS GROUP LTD disclaims any liability for inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, insulting, offensive, infringing or unlawful content created as a result of or arising out of such translation process. If you have a complaint about inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, insulting, offensive, infringing or unlawful content please send a specific and detailed notice of infringement to info@landlordsafetycertificate.co.uk We will respond within a reasonable time taking into account the circumstances of the complaint.”

Governing law and jurisdiction

This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales whose courts are the courts of exclusive jurisdiction.

This agreement will not be governed by the United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods or any other similar convention or laws, the application of which are expressly excluded.

We reserve the right to change these terms, the Security & Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, prices, information and available contractual license terms featured on this website without notice. These conditions set out the entire agreement between RACS GROUP LTD and you relating to your use of this website.

No action of RACS GROUP LTD, other than an express written waiver or amendment, may be construed as a waiver or amendment of any of these terms, the Cookie Policy or Security & Privacy Policy. Should any clause of these terms or Security & Privacy Policy be found unenforceable, wherever possible this will not affect any other clause, and each will remain in full force and effect.

  1. Definitions

1.1 ‘Contract’ means any contract between you and us for the purchase of Services, incorporating these terms.

1.2 ‘Services’ means service provided by us to you.

1.3 ‘Normal Working Hours’ means 09:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday & Saturday 09:00 to 14:00.

1.4 ‘Order’ means an order for a Service made by you in accordance with these Terms.

1.5 ‘Order Confirmation’ means our written acceptance of your Order.

1.6 ‘Next Day’ means your certificate will be produced next working day.

1.7 ‘Working Day’ means Monday to Saturday, excluding Bank or other Public holidays.

1.8 ‘Fixed Fee’ means a set price given to the service offered

  1. Orders

2.1 When you place an Order for a Service, this will be regarded as an offer by you to purchase the Service subject to these Terms and we shall not be obliged to accept your offer at our discretion.

2.2 We will send you an Order Acknowledgement on receipt of your Order. This is not an order confirmation or order acceptance by us.

2.3 We will accept your offer and create a Contract with you by sending to you an Order Confirmation once we have confirmed availability of the Service you have requested.

2.4 The Order Confirmation will be binding on you unless there is an inadvertent discrepancy between the Service that you ordered and those detailed in the Order Confirmation. You should notify us as soon as you become aware of any such discrepancy.

2.5 When you place an Order, you are undertaking to us that:

(a) all details you provide to us for the purpose of purchasing the Services are correct, and

(b) the credit or debit card you use to make a purchase from us is your own card, that you are authorized to use it, and that there are sufficient funds or credit facilities to cover the cost of any Services you order from us.

  1. Prices and Payments

3.1 All prices include VAT.

3.2 Services are invoiced at the price prevailing at the time of your Order.

3.3 We reserve the right to vary our prices from time to time.

3.4 We will not supply Goods or Services/Certificates to you until payment has been received in full unless there has been prior agreement.

3.5 If the property is within the congestion zone then the charges will be added to the invoice.

3.6 We would charge for the parking if it is paid.

3.7 Payment for services should be made prior to inspection or service to confirm booking. If not, booking will be set as” provisional” and can be cancelled or rescheduled at any time until payment is made to confirm the booking slot.

3.8 We accept all major credit cards and debit cards.

3.9 In case of an outstanding invoice, we will charge interest as per the current Bank of England base rate. The interest will be calculated at the rate of 0.005% per day under the Late Payment of Commercial Debt Act 1998.

  1. Call Out and Hourly Rates

4.1 Our standard calls out charge for of our gas engineers, EPC engineers and pat engineers that visit your property is £35. Electrical engineers it will cost £60. If separate engineers visit your property a call out fee will apply per an engineer.

4.2 If a fixed price cannot be given for a job then we will charge an hourly rate of £78 inc vat, this excludes any parts.

4.3 If an engineer is called but you disagree and decide not to go ahead with work then the standard call out charge will still apply and must be paid for on the day.

4.3 It is your responsibility to ensure there is parking available for the engineer. Residential parking permits or bays must be provided if the property to be inspected is within a restricted parking zone.

  1. Time allocation for jobs

We allocate 5-hour time slots from Monday to Friday for your visit, and these are supplied on a first come, first served basis. Your engineer can arrive any time between the start of your slot and the end of your slot. Sometimes it may be necessary to re-schedule an appointment due to factors beyond our control. If it is necessary to do this, we will attempt to contact you to try and re-schedule another appointment as soon as possible at a mutually convenient time.

  1. Missed Appointments

If you are unable to keep a service appointment, please contact us to re-book the appointment on 02078662488 as soon as possible. Cancellations made less than 24 Hours before the appointment is due will incur an administrative charge of £35.00 inc VAT.

Nonattendance or call out will be charged, where the engineer:

cannot gain access to the property,

the boiler is not working,

the wrong address was provided for inspection,

a child (under 16) is alone on the property,

no gas or electrical supply

no access to the gas meter

any meter or appliance is over 2m in height. A ladder should be provided by the landlord and if in this case, the engineer cannot do the inspection then call will be charged.

or for any reason, the inspection cannot be carried out where the engineer is not at fault

will incur a £35.00 per administrative charge per a property, per engineer.

Please note that all terms in this contract apply to any third party you instruct to be at a premises on your behalf e.g. if you have a tenant that will be giving us access to the property the same terms apply.

  1. Quotations

7.1 We provide a free onsite quote for any commercial electrical work.

7.2 The agreed final quote represents a written contract for the exact work to be completed.

7.3. Any agreement made verbally is not covered by the contract unless it has been written into said contract. The agreement is made between Landlord Safety Certificate and the client. The client is identified as the name on the quotation.

7.4 Any quote or estimate is subject to revision if there are any changes to the nature or extent of the requested work. This may apply to both labor and materials. However, the quote will not be amended without consultation with the client.

7.5 All quotes are valid for 28 days from issue.

  1. Deposits

8.1 A deposit is required to cover material expenses.

8.2 All deposits must be made by telephone or internet payment unless agreed by Landlord Safety Certificate.

8.4 The acceptance of a deposit and the request to begin the project signifies a full acceptance and commitment to be bound by the Terms and Conditions.

  1. Termination of Contract

9.1 Landlord Safety Certificate reserves the right to terminate the project at any time.

9.2 Landlord Safety Certificate will not tolerate aggressive behaviour, rude behaviour, racism, nationalism, sexism, homophobia or ageism directed towards any of its staff or contractors.

  1. Your Right to Cancel

10.1 You are entitled to cancel your Order for any reason until, but no later than 24hrs before and engineer or an assessor is due to visit your property.

10.2 You should cancel services from us by sending a written notice of cancellation by post-delivery addressed to Customer Services at Landlord Safety Certificate, 332 Cranbrook Road, IG2 6EP or by e-mail to info@landlordsafetycertificate.co.uk

10.3 When you cancel an Order, we will refund the price paid, within a period of 30 days from the date of cancellation.

10.4 In case of remedial and installation jobs, if you cancel a job once the materials has been purchased a deduction from the initial deposit will be applicable.

  1. Provision of Services

11.1 If you purchase Services from us, then we shall use our skill and expertise to carry out the Services to a standard equivalent to that of a competent professional, and shall warrant our work as free from defects, for a period of 30 days after completion. In particular, we cannot be held responsible for any fault or damage not caused by our services engineers or their contracted agents. In the event of a claim arising relating to the level of skill and judgement applied in the course of providing Services, we reserve at our sole discretion the right to appoint an independent expert in the field to appraise the work carried out in the execution of the Service(s).

11.2 We accept no liability for equipment installed or configured by us when the equipment has subsequently been altered or configured by persons other than ourselves or our agents. Except as set out here, all other express or implied terms or warranties relating to the Services are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

11.3 The cost of any remedial work, repair or parts needed for any fault, which is found before or during the boiler service will be reported to the responsible person and special discount will be calculated if booked at the same time of the service and carried out at the same time. Any maintenance or remedial work is your responsibility and does not form part of boiler service. Such work will need to be completed at your cost.

11.4 Fire Risk Assessment, Home Buyer Report & Energy Performance Certificate might take up to 8 weeks to be lodged.

  1. Force Majeure

12.1 We shall not be liable to you or be deemed to be in breach of contract by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of our obligations in respect of the Goods or Services, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond our reasonable control. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following shall be regarded as causes beyond our reasonable control: act of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident; war, threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance or requisition; acts, restrictions, regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions or measures of any kind on the part of any governmental, parliamentary or local authority; import or export regulations or embargoes; strikes, lock-outs or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving our employees or of a third party); difficulty in obtaining materials, labour or machinery; and power failure or breakdown in machinery.

12.2 If we are unable to provide you with the services within a reasonable time due to circumstances outside our control, we shall either agree a new timescale with you for the service to take place or either of us may decide to terminate the Order in which case we will return any prepayments that you have made in full.

  1. Errors and Omissions

13.1 We make every effort to ensure that all prices and descriptions quoted in our catalogue and on our website are correct and accurate. In the case of a manifest error or omission, we will be entitled to rescind the contract, notwithstanding that we may already have accepted your Order and/or received payment from you. Our liability in that event will be limited to the return of any money that you have paid in respect of the Order. In the case of a manifest error in relation to price, you will be entitled to purchase the Goods or Services by paying the difference between the quoted price and the correct price, as confirmed in writing by us after the manifest error has been discovered. A ‘manifest error’, as the term is used in this paragraph, means, in relation to an incorrect price, a price quoted in error by us which is more than 10% less than the price that would have been quoted had the mistake not been made.

  1. Data Protection

14.1 We do not store credit card details, nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties

14.2 Data Protection & Data Security Data is maintained under the provisions of the Data Protection Act (1998)

14.4 Registration and data sharing our site registration and Order form requires you to give us contact information (such as name, email, and postal address), unique identifiers (such as username and password), demographic information (such as postcode), and financial information (such as account reference and transaction values). This data is securely stored for use in all our marketing communications and analysis databases.

14.5 Landlord Safety Certificate may share your information with any member of our group, which means our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 736 of the UK Companies Act 1985.

14.6 Landlord Safety Certificate, may share your information with selected 3rd parties to let you know about goods or services which may be of interest to you. Please contact us if you wish to opt-out of receiving such information.

14.7 You agree that we may use personal information provided by you in order to conduct appropriate anti-fraud checks. Personal information that you provide may be disclosed to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information.

14.8 Please note that we may record and monitors inbound and outbound calls and electronic traffic for training purposes.

  1. General Terms of Business

15.1 Nothing in these Terms affects your statutory rights as a consumer.

15.2 The certificates will be released to you after the payment has been made within 24 to 72 hours. But if there is any urgency we can chase it up with the engineers.

15.3 Any variation of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by a duly authorized Landlord Safety Certificate official.

15.4 You must not transfer any contract made with us under these Terms, as it is personal to you, without written authority from us. This authority will not be refused without good reason.

15.5 If any part of these Terms shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed to be severable from the Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions of the Terms.

15.6 No waiver by us shall be construed as a waiver of any proceeding or succeeding breach of any provision.

15.7 You confirm that, in agreeing to accept the Terms, you have not relied on any representation save insofar as the same has expressly been made a part of these Terms and you agree that you shall have no remedy in respect of any representation. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude our liability in respect of any fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation whether such has become a part of the Terms.

15.8 These Terms shall be governed by the relevant laws of the United Kingdom and construed in accordance with the relevant laws of the United Kingdom and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the relevant courts of the United Kingdom.

  1. If you have any complaints with the Goods or Services provided by us please e-mail to info@landlordsafetycertificate.co.uk